Lost My Dog

In the event that your dog is lost, here is a list of steps to follow:

  1. Contact Animal Care and Control and physically visit the facility to look for your lost dog (minimum every 24 hours).

  2. Contact your veterinarian.

  3. Communicate with neighbors to see if they have any information.

  4. Contact the local Humane Society and Rescue organizations to see if anyone has called or posted signage regarding your pet.

  5. Call the local emergency veterinary facilities for postings and/or patients brought in by good samaritans.

  6. Use your social sites such as Facebook and Twitter to send out an alert.

  7. Post Lost dog signs with a recent picture and your contact number in and around your neighborhood.


    • Always keep a collar with identifying tags on your dog!

    • Have your dog microchipped that way he or she can be found and brought to a hospital or shelter.

    • Obtain a county license for your dog.

    • Do not leave your dog unattended, unleashed or outdoors while an adult is not home.

    • Never leave a dog unattended where a physical fence is not in place.

    • Lock all doggie doors while you are not home.


Found a Stray

Always be cautious when approaching a dog you are unfamiliar with. Be aware of the dog’s body language at all times. Here are guidelines to follow if there is no visible identification like a collar with tags on the dog.

If a dog is on the road or highway and does not come when you call for it; shout in a low, firm voice to direct the animal away from the road and contact Animal Care and Control. Do not chase the animal if it is fearful; it could likely run back into the road.

Fairfax County I 703-830-1100 I
Prince William County I 703-792-6465 I
Loudoun County I 703-777-0406 I
Animal Welfare League of Alexandria I 703-838-4774 I
Animal Welfare League of Arlington I 703-931-9241 I
City of Manassas Animal Control I 703-257-2420 I
Humane Rescue Alliance:
New York Avenue I 202-576-6664 I
Oglethorpe Street I 202-726-2556 I