Why Foster?
Without the work of rescues groups, more animals would miss out on being loved and cherished by a forever family. But without fosters homes, rescue organizations like us would not exist. The reality is when shelters reach capacity, dogs are euthanized unless rescue organizations step in. Fostering saves lives. PERIOD. We are in continual need of fosters willing to take the step of opening their homes to animals in need, no matter the duration.
Why Foster For VPBR?
Are you a bully breed lover looking to join the world of rescue? Vindicated is a group that places your needs and the needs of the dog you care as our first priority. Our goal is to equip our fosters with the tools that build successful foster experiences. We want our fosters to feel prepared and confident! Whether you need support in preparing your home, information on positive training techniques, or ways to work with dogs in need of additional help to thrive, we are there.
Are You Foster Material?
Being a foster is a rewarding experience, however, it requires time, dedication, compassion, and patience. We are not just looking for any home to place an animal in need. We focus on placing our dogs in well-matched homes that we know will set them up for long term success.
As a foster, you aren’t just looking after a dog. Rather, you are actively preparing them for their future forever home. As a foster, your home serves as the environment in which they will be socialized, learn basic training and manners, where they will heal, and (for some) experience love for the first time. If you aren’t able to commit to a dog for a lifetime, that’s okay! Fostering is a way to experience the enjoyment of having a dog without making a life long commitment. If you think your home is “foster material”, we would love your help in saving a life.
-A safe environment for your foster dog to flourish
-Basic obedience training (we’ll help!)
-Attendance at all Vindicated adoption events
-Lots and lots of LOVE!
Foster Contract
Download and print our Foster Contract here. Send your completed and signed contract to info@vindicatedrescue.org
-All medical care & costs (including preventatives)
-Food, bowls, treats, etc.
-Leash, collar, ID tag, adoption vest
Foster Resources
Current fosters, if you are running low on food or medication for your foster dog, please fill out the Medication & Food Refill form here.