All About Dogs I www.allaboutdogsinc.com I 703-497-7878
Fur-Get Me Not I www.furgetmenot.com I 703- 933-1935
Joyful Dog I www.joyfuldogllc.com I 703-554-2384
Kissable Canine I www.kissablecanine.com I 703-574-3383
My Fantastic Friend I www.myfantasticfriend.com I 443-741-1044
Positive Dog Solutions I www.positivedogsolutions.com I 202-630-0249
Spot On Dog Training I www.spotondogtrainingdc.com I 202-629-2967
Unleashed Joy I www.unleashedjoy.com I 410-404-6492
Wholistic Hound I www.wholistichound.com I 703- 962-6335
WOOFS! I www.woofsdogtraining.com I 703-536-7877 or 703-526-0218
Your Dog's Friend I www.yourdogsfriend.org I 301-983-5913
Behavior vs Obedience Training
Yes, there is a difference between obedience and behavior training! Although commonly confused, it's important to know their differences so you can provide your dog with the correct training. Both methods are important and have their place, however, knowing which approach your dog needs is key. No one dog is the same, therefore their training can’t all be identical. Figure out which training method your dog needs and make it happen! With the correct training method, both you and your dog will develop the tools and skills needed to communicate properly. In general terms, obedience training is teaching your dog to do something (like a skill) while behavior training focuses on teaching your dog what NOT to do. While these methods may sound the same, they have drastically different approaches, outcomes, and reward structures.
Obedience training uses verbal commands or hand signals to teach a dog how to do something quickly (i.e., sit, stay, down, come). Obedience training is great to start right away especially with puppies, as this is the foundation you both will move forward from. Although obedience training is important for your dog, it is also an opportunity for YOU to learn how your dog responds and communicates.
Behavior training focuses on the physiological and psychological state of a dog which cannot be properly addressed through obedience training. The goal of behavior training is to identify the root cause of unwanted behavior. For example, if your dog bolts out of the door each time you open it, you could teach him the command “come” and hopefully get him back. However, the underlying issue that needs to be addressed is why your dog continues to run for the door in the first place. In most cases, if the root cause of a behavioral issue can be identified, the behavior can be modified for the better.
Looking for local obedience or behavior trainer? If you are interested in learning more about our training services, please fill out our Training Request form and submit the form below.